See How I've Helped These Experts
Grow Their Business

My clients have what is known as "expert businesses."

  • Authors
  • Coaches
  • Service providers
  • Course creators

You can read their stories below.

Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte is the founder of Building a Second Brain

Case Study: How Billy Broas helped Tiago Forte Turn Building a Second Brain into One of the World’s Most Popular Online Courses.

Click here to read Tiago's case study.

Walid Feghali

David Perell

Leila Gharani

Leila Gharani is the founder of XelPlus.

I joined Billy’s program to make our copywriting stronger. We have excellent products, but our messaging wasn’t showing it.

Halfway through the cohort, I updated one of our sales pages using our new Five Lightbulbs messaging.

Our sales instantly improved.

I tracked our numbers closely, and over two weeks we made an additional $7,000 over what that page normally generates. And those numbers have continued.

Needless to say, we’re now rolling out The Five Lightbulbs across our entire product catalog.

Nathan Cole

Abbi Perets

Abbi Perets is the founder of Successful Freelance Mom. She is a Copywriter with over 20 years of experience. 

It’s really hard for me to trust people, because so many marketers are gross. I’d been watching Billy for a while, and I knew he was one of the good guys. When we started working together, I had a lot of ideas, but my focus was split. Billy helped me to narrow in on what I really wanted, and to give myself permission to go all in on it. I launched a live round of my signature program, Writing for Money, and enrolled my largest cohort to date: 80 women. I’ve seen a lot of course creators floundering this year, but I’ve more than doubled my income from last year and broken through $300k — and I’m on my way to $1M for 2021. I don’t do gross. I don’t do hard sales. I don’t do lies — and I don’t work with anyone who does. If you’re the same, you can trust Billy to guide you with integrity — and still make a whole lot of money.”

more Client Quotes

Billy is the real deal. His approach to marketing is simple, authentic, and powerful.

-Ryan Deiss (CEO Digital Marketer)

Billy taught me everything I know and his teachings took our business to the next level. 

-Khe Hy (Founder of RadReads)

The Five Lightbulbs framework helps us think about our marketing messaging in a more structured way. We don’t have any formal training in marketing, but we have been to the Billy Broas Institute and is better than a university degree.

- Stephen Clapham (Author Smart Money Method)

I hired Billy for a VIP Day. My brain was clogged after twenty years of working one-on-one with clients. While I knew I had value, I couldn't find my way through my own messaging. Billy's direct help in implementing his 5 Lightbulbs process brought clarity to my mind and a human touch to my communication.

I’m now more confident and excited to launch my book.

-Adam Chapman (Financial Advisor from Yes Money!)