Work with me 1-on-1

Get my help to improve your marketing. I help entrepreneurs who are too close to their product and struggle to see it with fresh eyes. Together, I'll help you create simple yet powerful messaging that attracts your perfect customers.

I work with clients who have an expertise-based business:

  • Coaches
  • Consultants
  • Course creators
  • Service providers
  • Speakers and authors

Submit the contact form below and tell me your situation, and if sounds like I can help, we'll hop on a call to explore. I'm booked at least 2-3 months out so please plan ahead. 

Thanks, and look forward to speaking:

    "Billy knows how to generate results while respecting your audience"

    It’s really hard for me to trust people, because so many marketers are gross.

    I’d been watching Billy for a while, and I knew he was one of the good guys.

    When we started working together, I had a lot of ideas, but my focus was split. Billy helped me to narrow in on what I really wanted, and to give myself permission to go all in on it. I launched a live round of my signature program and enrolled my largest cohort to date: 80 women.

    I’ve seen a lot of course creators floundering this year, but I’ve more than doubled my income from last year and broken through $300k — and I’m on my way to $1M for the year.

    I don’t do gross. I don’t do hard sales. I don’t do lies — and I don’t work with anyone who does.
    If you’re the same, you can trust Billy to guide you with integrity — and still make a whole lot of money.

    Abbi Perets

     / Successful Freelance Mom